Science in a Flash Information Session: Preparing for your Lightning Talk

  1. What is a Lightning Talk?

    • Format: 20 slides, each auto-advancing after 20 seconds (total: 6 minutes and 40 seconds)
    • Hands-Free: Once the presentation starts, you do not touch the computer at all.
    • Purpose: This format encourages concise storytelling, helping you focus on the key points of your presentation while keeping the audience engaged.
  2. Structuring Your Lightning Talk

    • Focus on a Central Message
      • What's the one thing you want your audience to remember?
      • Build your talk around this core idea.
    • Organize Your Slides
      • Create a story arc with a beginning, a middle and an end.
      • Break down your content into digestible chunks.
      • Think about your sections and how these translate to the format.
    • Use Strong Visuals
      • Avoid text-heavy slides. Use powerful images, diagrams or graphs to support your narrative.
      • Remember: slides should complement what you're saying, not repeat it.
      • For strong talks using this format, presenters rarely look back at the slides and instead focus on the story-telling of their work and engaging the audience.
  3. Tips for Presentation Delivery

    • Engage Your Audience
      • Be enthusiastic and make eye contact. Show your excitement about your research or experiential learning project!
      • Vary your tone to avoid a monotone delivery.
    • Communicate Complex Ideas Simply
      • Avoid technical jargon. Think about how to explain your work to someone unfamiliar with the field.
      • Use examples or analogies to make difficult concepts relatable.
    • Rehearse!
      • Practice is key to mastering the timing of automatic slide transitions.
      • Rehearse your talk several times, ideally in front of others who can give you feedback.
      • Look at examples of these types of talks in different subject areas to spark creativity! Notice how the presenter engages their audience and understands the timing of the slides.
      • Talk through transitions instead of pausing at the end of each slide.
  4. Example Talks

  5. Common Pitfalls to Avoid

    • Overloading slides with information — keep it simple and visual.
    • Speaking too quickly — practice timing your speech to match the slides.
    • Neglecting the audience — maintain eye contact and engage with the people in the room.
  6. Key Dates and Application Process

    • Application Deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024, by 11:59 p.m.
    • Submit:
      1. A 60-second video introducing your topic and why it excites you
      2. A short (max 250 word) description on how you plan to engage the audience in this lightning talk format
      3. Dates you are available to present during the preliminary sessions
    • Event Schedule:

      • Preliminary Rounds: Monday, October 7 - Friday, October 11, from 12-1 p.m. each day
      • Final Round: Friday, October 18, from 12-1 p.m.
  7. Need More Help?

    If you have questions or need more information, please contact us at We're happy to assist!