DII Courses

DII Courses

Spring 2022


ANTH 362 - Archaeological Field Techniques. Covers methods used in fieldwork, laboratory analysis and interpretation of archaeological data from a local site excavated by the class. 

ANTH 381 - Medical Anthropology. Examines cultural, ecological and biological perspectives on human health and disease throughout the world.

DSCI 305 - Data, Ethics and Society. Examines the ethical implications and societal impacts of choices made by data science professionals. The course will provide practical guidance on evaluating ethical concerns, identifying the potential for harm, and applying best practices to protect privacy, design responsible algorithms, and increase the societal benefit of data science research.

LING 306 - Language, Thought and Mind. A study of language as a cognitive system. Course explores linguistic data as evidence for the cognitive structures and processes that enable people to learn and use language, and how linguistic structure influences concept formation and patterns of thinking.

MUSI 379 - Creativity Up Close. This interdisciplinary course explores creativity in human behavior and society. Seminars focus on the neuroscience, psychology, sociology and economics of creativity. Students develop hands-on creative projects in oral history, music, industrial design and video. No prior experiences in study of these disciplines required.

NEUR 362/PSYC 362 - Cognitive Neuroscience: Exploring the Living Brain. Survey of theory and research on how mental processes are carried out by the human brain, with an emphasis on relating measures of brain activity to cognitive functioning.  Methods surveyed include electro physiological recording techniques, functional imaging techniques and methods that involve lessening or disrupting neural activity. Cross-list: PSYC 362.

PSYC 345 - Health Psychology. Contemporary theory and research in health psychology, including topics such as health behaviors, stress and coping, pain and its management, heart disease, psychoneuroimmunology, chronic illness and dying.

SOCI 314 - Science at Risk? Out of the Lab and into the Public Sphere. What happens when science enters the public sphere and when the public sphere enters science? Through the lens of sociology (alongside other disciplines) this course examines some of the most controversial issues facing science today, including biotechnology, science and religion, US knowledge of science, the need to increase the race and gender diversity of the science workforce and corporate funding of science. This course welcomes students from all majors; there are no prerequisites.